

Installing the server

The server comes precompiled for use with Intel Pentium machines. It was compiled under Mandrake 7.0

If you wish to recompile for your machine, you must first unzip the archive. If you are reading this, you already have, but some systems do lose case sensitivity if the file is unzipped in one action. The recommended way is

gunzip AnonySrv-xxx.tar.gz
tar -xvf AnonySrv-xxx.tar

In order to compile the server, change into the AnonyNews/server directory and type

make server

Once the server has been compiled, it can be installed.

The installation script will try to create a user called anonyuse that will run the Server.
You will be asked (twice) for a password for this user.

To install the server, su to root and type

make install

The script will copy anonysrv, anonygo, and anonytidy into /usr/bin, changing the permissions so only those in the anonyuse group can access it.
It will copy the documentation files into the /usr/doc/AnonyNews/docs directory. Finally it will create the directory /var/AnonyNews/messages for storing the messages, again changing the permissions.

Installing the GTK Client

The GTK Client comes precompiled for use with Intel Pentium machines. It was compiled under Mandrake 7.0

If you wish to recompile for your machine, you must first unzip the archive. If you are reading this, you already have, but some systems do lose case sensitivity if the file is unzipped in one action. The recommended way is

gunzip AnonyGTK-xxx.tar.gz
tar -xvf AnonyGTK-xxx.tar

In order to compile the client, change into the AnonyNews/gtk directory and type

make client

The client can then be run from the command line by typing


Installing the Java Client


First you must download the Java Runtime Environment for Windows from Sun's website:
The file will install when you double click on it. Choose default options for everythng.
If you wish to change the software, you will need to download the Java Development Kit instead, which containes the Runtime Environment.

Unzip the file using a utility such as WinZip (

Copy all the contents to wherever you want them on your hard drive (eg C:\AnonyNews\java).

Create a shortcut by right clicking on the desktop. When asked for a command line, type

java.exe -cp c:\anonynews\java anonynews

Give the Shortcut a sensible name (try "AnonyNews"!). When it is finished, right click on it and choose Properties. In the Box labelled "Start In", type


Unless DNS has been configured for your machine, you need to edit the "hosts" file. This requires administrative permissions if you are running Windows NT, 2000 etc. Any user can do this under Windows 9x.

  1. Windows 9x. Open up a command prompt and type
    edit c:\windows\hosts

    Add to the end of the file

    where hostname is the name of the computer the server is installed on and is the TCP/IP address of the machine the server is installed on. (You can get this information from your administrator if you don't know it.)
    Then save the file and exit.
  2. Windows NT/2000. Log on as administrator. From the command prompt, type
    edit C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

    and edit the file as for Windows 95.

Double clicking on the shortcut you created earlier will start the client, leaving a Dos window open for error messages.


First you must download the Java Runtime Environment for Linux from Sun's website:
Install this by following the instructions, either by compiling it or installing the package.

Unpack the archive file AnonyNews-xxx.tar.gz by typing

gunzip AnonyNews-xxx.tar.gz
tar -xvf AnonyNews-xxx.tar

Copy the AnonyNews directory to wherever you want it installed.

Unless DNS has been configured for your machine, you need to edit the hosts file. This will require root access.
Using your favourite editor, open the file /etc/hosts, and add the following line to the end:


where hostname is the name of the computer the server is installed on and is the TCP/IP address of the machine the server is installed on. (You can get this information from your administrator if you don't know it.)
Then save the file and exit.

The Java client is started from a command line with the following command:

/usr/java/jdk1.3/bin/java -cp {path}/anonynews

where {path} is the full path to the anonynews.class file. If you cd to the correct directory first, you can ignore the "-cp {path}" in the above.