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Title TaskMan
Operating Systems Linux/Windows
TaskMan is a web based task tracking and sharing tool. It allows multiple users to create and allocate tasks, keeping track of what has been done so far. Tasks can be linked to other tasks, and placed into groups to distinguish them. Tasks can be closed when completed.
Its main use is envisaged for a team to keep track of multiple tasks such as a computer support team or helpdesk, though individuals will be able to use it for their projects.

  • Email owner and creator on change
  • Add password checker routine to ensure security
  • Add reporting functionality
  1. Feb 2003 - Bug fix to allow any user to take ownership of unowned task.
    mysql can now run on different machine to web server.
    Various security features added.
    User documentation added.
    Minor graphics changes.
    Name Change to avoid conflict with a similar project
  2. March 2002 - Initial release
Version 1.0 taskman-1.0.tar.gz(640k)
Requirements A web server (I use Apache).